There is no one there who is having a heavy personality. The story revolves around the Diwan Family and spread through 3 generation. Shivpuri, and others it was one of the most genuine sitcom. Starring noted actors including but not limited to Late Navin Nischol, Farida Jalal, Shekar Suman, Bhavna Balsavar, Deven Bhojani, Sushma Sheth, Vishal Singh, Amar Upadhyay, N.K. Those who are aware with the old days of Doordarshan are well aware with the Sitcom aired those day – Dekh Bhai Dekh. It is said that make people cry is also comparative easy job (compare to make them laugh genuinely). To make people a laugh is not a laughing thing…! Correct… It is very tough job.